
Personen in einem Sitzungszimmer bei der Arbeit | © Zellweger Management Consultants AG

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Published by

Zellweger Management Consultants AG
Schindellegistrasse 3, CH-8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Tel. +41 (0)55 420 33 85
Email: ch@zellweger.com
Represented by: Thomas Zellweger, CEO

Zellweger Management Consultants GmbH
Ludwigstrasse 8
80539 Munich
+49 (0)89 206 021 367
Email: de@zellweger.com
CEO: Thomas Zellweger
District Court of Munich, HRB 190115

VAT ID DE275665999
Deutsche Bank, Munich  –  Sort Code 700 700 24  -  Account 240 9464 00
IBAN DE08 7007 0024 0240 9464 00  -  SWIFT-Code DEUTDEDBMUC

Concept and Design

Communication LSA
9424 Rheineck
+41 (0)71 886 48 68
E-Mail: info@dachcom.ch

Technical Development

Löwenhofstrasse 15
9424 Rheineck
+41 (0)71 886 45 85
E-Mail: info@dachcom.ch


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The content of our webpages has been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and actuality of this content.
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